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+43 50 353-300
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+43 50 353-300
Grazer Straße 20, 8200 Gleisdorf
+43 50 353-300
Zinckgasse 20-22, 1150 Wien
+43 50 353-300

#FRTG — Design Thinking Bullshit

Stell dir vor, Ed Sheeran tritt noch einmal in deinem Wohnzimmer auf. Nur für dich und deine Freunde. So ähnlich ist der zweite FRTG. Nur wieder ohne Ed Sheeran. Erlebe die wahrscheinlich kleinste Designkonferenz – im gemütlichen Fredmansky Wohnzimmer in Linz.

Frtg Gerund 0518

Der FRTG im Detail

Wer sind die Speaker?
Thomas Bogner, Senior Product Designer bei Microsoft und Ex-Wunderlist (Seattle/Berlin) und Alexander Gerund, Partner Product Design & Strategy at okay bueno (Berlin). Und natürlich alle, die vorher, nachher und dazwischenquatschen.

Wer hört zu?
Geschäftsführer, Head of Product, Start-Ups, Product-Owner, Product-Manager, Product-Designer, Developer, Gestalter, Kreative, Studenten und alle Neurierigen die sich noch angesprochen fühlen. Aus Linz und Umgebung.

An einem Freitag Nachmittag, wo normale Menschen ans Heimgehen denken. Das Ganze beginnt am 15. Juni um 17:00 Uhr und endet erfahrungsgemäß sehr viel später und in einer Bar.

Wie bin ich dabei?
Jetzt kostenlos anmelden und dann fix hingehen. Aber hurtig, wir haben nur 30 Plätze.

Sonst noch was?
Die Talks sind auf Englisch und Bier ist im Kühlschrank.

Frtg Bogner 0518

Die Talks im Detail

18.00 "DON’T MOVE! 🔫" (EN)
A talk by Thomas Bogner, Senior Product Designer at Microsoft

Before selling out and joining one of the biggest corporations on earth, Thomas was part of a small team with a vision: Helping people to get stuff done by building productivity software that doesn’t suck. The mission is still the same but the scale and responsibilities changed.

Software should feel as responsive and human as the people interacting with it. It’s 2018 and It’s easier then ever to make things move - prototyping tools and animation frameworks have gone a long way. Designers finally added animation to their day-to-day workflow but without being aware about the tenets and traps of adding this dimension to a product, the damage can be bigger than it first seems. It’s time for an intervention.

Talking about his own short-comings, the resulting insights and best-in-class industry examples will help you elevate your next projects using state-of-the-art animations.

20.00 Product Pitfalls — Don’t go the extra mile (EN)
A talk by Alexander Gerund, Partner Product Design & Strategy at okay bueno

For nearly a decade Alex has conceptualized, build, and managed digital products — ranging from desktop software to mobile apps and online services. He’s currently running a digital product studio based in Berlin, Germany.

In his own version of “Old man yells at cloud”, Alex offers you a no BS approach to building digital products by questioning common knowledge, ignoring best practices, challenging industry trends, and avoiding hypes and vanity work when creating digital products that focus on what actually matters. In his talk Alex will share shortcuts that will help you avoid pitfalls and navigate quicker towards your goals.

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